1. CakePHP
2. Laravel
3. CodeIgniter
4. Symfony
5. Phalcon
6. Zend
7. Flight
8. YiiFramework
9. Zikula
10. Slim
It is a PHP structure that backings rendition 4 or above. It is anything but difficult to catch on quickly and versatile formats. The fused CRUD is a useful segment in CakePHP for your database participation.
2. Laravel
It is the most prominent PHP systems utilized by designers today. It has an immense environment with an instant deployment and hosting stage. It makes fast application development conceivable. It highlights with Blade template engine, simple authentication, great routing, migrations support.
3. CodeIgniter
It is a free PHP framework. There are numerous components that CodeIgniter provides, for example, easy error handling, no PHP adaptation struggle, simple security and encryption steps, nearly zero installation and has rich inherent libraries and assistant.
4. Symfony
It is an adaptable, versatile yet intense PHP frameworks for MVC application. There are a lot of reusable PHP segments that can be utilized like Template, Translation, Security,Form Config, Validator and much more.
5. Phalcon
This framework offers the best speed. At the point when bench marked with other prominent systems, it has the speediest time and most reduced memory utilization. This happens because it was built with C/C++ for performance advancement reason.
6. Zend
This Framework is scalable. It has a web-based training and accreditation which make it famous and utilized by a lot of big business associations. With its OOP and design patterns consistency, you can without much of a stretch broaden custom classes and utilize just what you require.
7. Flight
It is an extensible PHP micro-framework. Flight has a direct documentation which makes you simple to learn it even you are a fledgling. It is a straightforward and restful system.
8. YiiFramework
It is a modern PHP structure with OOP detains framework inside. Other than simple to introduce, it’s additionally very extensible, empowering you to fit what you require. There are a few instruments that can help you effectively tune your web application for better execution.
9. Zikula
It is a free open source PHP system. Zikula is all around coordinated with the well-known Font Awesome 4 and Bootstrap 3 structure.
10. Slim
It is a lightweight smaller scale structure for PHP. It’s worked with extraordinary routing framework and spotlights on restful API with all HTTP strategies support.